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119 minutes
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In this thoughtful thriller loosely based on the true story of Second World War code-breakers at Bletchley Park, Thomas Jericho is a gifted but unstable mathematician and cryptologist who returns to his job after having a nervous breakdown caused by overwork and a failed love affair with his co-worker Claire Romilly. However, he is soon thrown into fresh intrigue as, after he starts work on a seemingly uncrackable German code, Claire goes missing and it becomes apparent that a spy has infiltrated the Enigma project.
Stylish, neatly constructed film about a maths genius who's sure he's close to discovering the key to everything and that hostile forces are watching.
Nail-biting Spanish thriller in which a group of intellectuals are lured into a game of logic, with deadly consequences...
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Benedict Cumberbatch stars as pioneering mathematician and codebreaker Alan Turing, who was highly influential, but persecuted for being gay.
Highly-acclaimed Oscar-winning drama about corruption and surveillance in Communist East Germany.
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