Into Film Clubs
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96 minutes
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In 1961 homosexual relations were still outlawed in Britain, leaving gay men and women open to not only discrimination, but also imprisonment. Made in that year, Victim is both a plea for tolerance and a fast-paced thriller. Former matinee idol Dirk Bogarde daringly took on the lead role of Melville Farr, a homosexual lawyer who fights back against a blackmailer targeting gay men in London. Sylvia Syms is also excellent as Farr's conflicted but supportive wife.
A story about the forbidden and secretive relationship between two cowboys and their lives over the years.
Sean Penn won an Oscar for this inspiring portrayal of gay rights campaigner, Harvey Milk.
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Powerful drama made in 1993 when it was daring to make a Hollywood film about AIDS, about a top lawyer sacked when his firm learns he has the disease.
The moving and finely-crafted tale of the Cuban Poet and novelist Reinaldo Arenas who suffered severe persecution because of his sexuality.
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