Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
82 minutes
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Here are a couple of facts about Banksy: his stencil graffiti has made him one of the best-known British artists working at the moment - and there are plenty of people who believe he doesn't exist. Or at least, that there is no one person using the Banksy name. Will this odd documentary, directed by Banksy himself, clear things up? Not really - it's (sort of) about the rise of a street artist Mr Brainwash, who is (supposedly) a Frenchman called Thierry Guetta. But it's far more complicated than that - as well as edgy, thought-provoking, often very confusing and impossible to trust (in a good way).
Biopic of artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, a defining figure of 1980s New York.
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