Into Film Clubs
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100 minutes
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Casting aside the orthodox plotting of a biopic, this film about the controversial former prime minister focuses on a present day depiction. Margaret Thatcher is an elderly woman suffering from dementia, who still talks to her dead husband, Denis. These conversations spark flashbacks to her landmark moments in government; the Falklands War, the miners strikes and poll tax riots. Starring the marvellous Meryl Streep, who gets under Thatcher's skin to deliver a performance so precise, it's hard to distinguish her from the real woman.
Contains real images of moderate violence, injury detail and brief nudity.
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Helen Mirren stars as Queen Elizabeth II in this Peter Morgan imagining of a key moment in recent history.
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16th century biographical drama which follows Elizabeth I’s early days on the throne of England as her enemies seek to overthrow the Protestant...
Colin Firth gives an award-winning performance as the stammering King George VI in British director Tom Hooper's film about the wartime monarch.
Film version of TV satire The Thick of It about the weaselly world of politics, in which a junior minister gets out of his depth in the run-up to war.
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