Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
91 minutes
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When disputes over inner-city gang territories escalate into bitter and bloody feuds, how is it possible for those involved to change their behaviour? What would it take to end the cycle of revenge killings? Documentary filmmaker Penny Woolcock sets out to answer these questions by interviewing gang members in an area of Birmingham plagued by gun crime. Her resulting film goes much further, asking broader questions about the causes of the kind of shocking violence witnessed during the 2011 riots, as well as the role the police plays.
Gritty drama about a guy who catches up with his old London mate who is now dealing crack, and sees how the drug has taken hold of the community.
A tough, urban drama about two brothers whose reaction to the death of a mutual friend sends them down very different paths.
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Fast, frantic film about three friends from the ghettos of the Paris suburbs, where life is portrayed as being violent and unjust.
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