Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
88 minutes
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Cherished French animator Michel Ocelot returns to his popular series of Kirikou films with yet another dazzling animated film that’s a striking alternative to so many contemporary animated movies. In keeping with his other fairy-tale inspired films this new film tells the further adventures of his hero, Kirikou, in his village in Africa, as this inventive and resourceful child helps his fellow villagers overcome a number of difficulties. Kirikou’s kindness and energy win out every time. The visual style of the film is quite beautiful and the story’s focus on the relationship between a child and their community makes for essential viewing.
In this bright and colourful animated fairy tale, two childhood friends are reunited as adults by a thrilling quest.
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A beautiful animation about an unlikely friendship between a big clown bear and a clever orphan mouse, from the makers of A Town Called Panic!
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Animation based on a traditional African tale about a headstrong baby whose cleverness is a match for the wicked sorceress that threatens his village.
Magical, memorable Soviet film based on a Russian folk tale about a boastful boy who's turned into a bear after trying to impress a beautiful girl.
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