

Film Details




132 minutes


Biopics, Drama, Sport, War


English / Italian / Japanese


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Based on the turbulent life of Olympic distance runner Louis Zamparini, Angelina Jolie directs this film of epic proportions. Encouraged by his brother to race, the film sweeps through Zamparini’s youth and successes through to his competing at the 1936 Olympics. Enlisting in the US Army during World War Two, his story takes a dramatic turn when his plane crashes in the Pacific Ocean. Despite surviving 47 days adrift in a raft, his suffering doesn’t stop there. Rescued by the Japanese Navy, he is sent to a POW camp where the prison commander takes a cruel interest in him. Never shying away from Zamparini’s torturous experiences this is a relentlessly challenging, if at times overly sentimental, celebration of one man’s strength and determination.


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15 Classification

Strong violence

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