Kingsman: The Secret Service

Kingsman: The Secret Service
Kingsman: The Secret Service

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123 minutes


Action and Adventure, Comedy, Crime




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In contrast to the Bond franchise's trend of increasingly dark and serious offerings over recent years, Kingsman: The Sceret Service is a welcome throwback to an era of quips, outrageous villains with decadent hideouts and preposterous plots, ingeniously updated for the smartphone generation. Adapted from a graphic novel, the film sees a suave, veteran secret agent take a young upstart from the wrong side of the tracks under his wing, as an eccentric billionaire threatens to wipe out the world’s population. Impeccably stylish and enormously entertaining, with an A-list cast gamely sending up their own images, the film is also extremely violent, containing some genuinely shocking moments amidst the fun and exhilarating set pieces.

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15 Classification

Strong bloody violence, strong language.

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