My Skinny Sister

My Skinny Sister
My Skinny Sister

Film Details




93 minutes


Coming of Age, Drama


English / Swedish (English subtitles)


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Told from the point of view of Stella, who at the awkward, cusp of teen age is in awe of her older sister Katja – a professional ice skater who is dedicated in her pursuit of perfection. Wanting to follow in her footsteps, Stella keeps a close eye on Katja’s every move at home as well as at the ice rink. However, the closer she gets the more she realises Katja’s issues with food. Threatened to keep quiet, Stella struggles with her loyalty to Katya and the need for her parents to intervene as the film delicately explores the issues and emotions linked to watching a young person and close relative suffer from an eating disorder. We believe this film will raise awareness and open up discussion of the potentially serious consequences of eating disorders.

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15 Classification

Contains eating disorder theme and infrequent use of strong language. While the BBFC have certified this film at 15 for a scene of force-feeding, we feel that the action is not condoned and is shown rather as a bad decision within a supportive family context, which leads to the more responsible decision to seek professional help.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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