Bridge of Spies

Bridge of Spies
Bridge of Spies

Film Details




135 minutes


Based on a true story, Drama, Period and Historical, War


English / German


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In 1957, at the height of the Cold War, Soviet spy Rudolf Abel was arrested in New York and put on trial. Keen to give the appearance of due process, insurance lawyer James Donovan was recruited to act as his representative in court. A few years later, an American pilot is captured in Soviet Russia, an event that brings Donovan and Abel into the centre of extremely tense and sensitive political negotiations, and a divided Berlin under transformation as the infamous wall goes up. Spielberg’s elegantly constructed, confident thriller provides a restrained yet human insight into a turbulent period of 20th century history, with a subtly implied commentary on global events in the modern world.


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12 Classification

Contains some strong language and violence.

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"Some of them saw a clip from Wakolda (The German Doctor) on TV recently and really wanted to watch it. So I thought I’d take a chance, not expecting them to watch the whole film but the majority were absolutely gripped. "

- Ann Hardy, Teacher, Manchester Secondary PRU, Manchester