Kaaka Muttai (The Crow's Egg)

Kaaka Muttai (The Crow's Egg)
Kaaka Muttai (The Crow's Egg)

Film Details




91 minutes


Comedy, Family


Tamil (English subtitles)


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Vignesh and Ramesh are two brothers living with their mother in a slum in India. With their Dad in jail, the two must fend for themselves and every day tempt a bird out of its nest in order to steal its egg for eating. That is until the trees the boys forage in are cut down by property developers and replaced by a glossy new pizza parlour. Hungry for a slice the two boys hatch a plan to earn enough money to buy a piece of the delicious, stomach-filling pizza for themselves. This is an engaging children’s film that doesn’t shy away from highlighting the poverty experienced by children in Indian slums.


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PG Classification

Mild bad language, violence.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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