I Am Not A Witch

I Am Not A Witch
I Am Not A Witch

Film Details




93 minutes




English / Nyanja (English subtitles)


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When Shula, a young girl newly arrived in a Zambian village without any family, is accused of witchcraft, she is told she faces a choice: join a travelling witch camp or be turned into a goat. Choosing the first option, she joins a group of other women, all of whom have long ribbons attached to their backs, supposedly to stop them from flying away. She is quickly revered as a saviour who can help bring rain to the drought-ravaged land, all the while joining the other women in performing ceremonies for gawping tourists. Meanwhile, Shula longs for freedom, and the right to go to school. With moments of unexpected satirical humour, this is a tale of superstition and child-exploitation, containing a remarkable central performance at its heart and expertly directed from its Zambian-born Welsh director.

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15 Classification

Moderate threat, bloody images.

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