I Kill Giants

I Kill Giants
I Kill Giants

Film Details




106 minutes


Coming of Age, Drama, Science Fiction and Fantasy, Thriller




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Barbara is a lonely teenager, known in her small town for wearing bunny ears, and fiercely proud of her eccentricity. Convinced that her community is being threatened by giants, she spends most of her time on the local beach constructing traps for them in preparation for an imminent conflict. Raised by her older sister, the “real” world does not seem to impact on Barbara much, until the arrival of a new British girl in school who befriends her, and the stubborn persistence of a local counsellor begin to encourage her to open-up a bit more. Gradually Barbara’s two worlds are drawn increasingly close together. Adapted from a popular graphic novel, this is an acclaimed coming of age story about grief, bullying and feeling like an outsider.

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12 Classification

Moderate threat, violence, language, scenes of emotional distress.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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