Faces Places

Faces Places
Faces Places

Film Details




94 minutes




French (English subtitles)


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In this simple but life-affirming documentary, legendary filmmaker Agnès Varda embarks on an unusual road-trip around small French towns and villages, alongside street artist JR. Their mode of transport is a van made up to look like a camera, which also doubles up as a giant photo booth, complete with an enormous printer from which glorious portraits of local residents emerge that are then pasted onto the walls of significant village buildings. This film celebrates quiet, everyday heroes, but also the joys and possibilities of creativity itself, demonstrating the opportunity of finding inspiration anywhere, if you know how to look for it. The documentary also movingly explores friendship and community across generations, being full of fun, playfulness, and the encouragement to look at the world around us in slightly different ways.


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12 Classification

Brief moderate injury detail.

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"It really is a chance for us to open children's minds to the power of film not just as a vehicle for entertainment but also as a way in to understanding their own world and the worlds of people whose lives are very different."

- Marlon Perkins, Teacher, Whitstable and Seasalter Endowed CofE Junior School, Kent