Before The Flood

Before The Flood
Before The Flood

Film Details




96 minutes






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Actor Leonardo DiCaprio has been using his immense fame and privilege to raise awareness around the issues of global warming and climate change for many years. In this engrossing documentary, he travels the world to document its devastating impacts and make an impassioned plea for greater, more urgent political action. Using his name to secure candid interviews with extremely high-profile figures, including President Obama and Ban Ki-Moon, DiCaprio’s interviews are interspersed with often disturbing visual evidence of what is happening to our planet. The facts are alarming, but DiCaprio presents the audience with a series of straightforward, tangible actions that they can do themselves to help stem the damage. Anybody who views this documentary cannot fail to be convinced by the arguments and inspired to do something about it.

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PG Classification

Mild bad language, violence.

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