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15 minutes


Animation, Drama


Welsh (English subtitles)


Set in rural North Wales, this short film follows Elen, a kind ten-year-old girl with epilepsy and a vivid imagination. When a new pupil joins her school, Elen must overcome some of her fears. This is a heartfelt story of friendship and acceptance that creatively uses animation to depict its lead character’s perspective.

Dyma ffilm fer, sydd wedi ei leoli yn Ngogledd Cymru sy’n stori am gyfeillgarwch, cydnabyddiaeth ac o ddychymyg bywiog merch deng mlwydd oed o’r enw Elen, sydd ag epilepsi. Pan ddaw disgybl newydd i’r ysgol, mae Elen yn gorfod concro ei hofnau. Mae’r ffilm twymgalon yma’n stori o gyfeillgarwch ac o gael eich derbyn sy’n defnyddio animeiddio’n greadigol i greu darlun liwgar o bersbecif y prif gymeriad.


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PG Classification

moderate threat

Find out more on the BBFC website

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