Coming Out

Coming Out
Coming Out

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65 minutes


Coming of Age, Documentary




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For LGBTQ+ individuals, coming out is seen as a rite of passage which can be painful, empowering or anything in between, with a relatively new phenomenon seeing some young people choosing to document and share their experience with others in an online community. This film – compiled entirely of videos already existing on YouTube, edited together to form a moving montage – demonstrates the range of emotions and reactions from the family members hearing the news for the first time, as well as the experiences of the young people themselves. While some recipients are angry or confused, and others unsurprised and completely accepting, the film also shows the anxiety and tension that the coming out process puts on young people before they’ve even uttered a word. Consisting of videos from across the world and comprising of a variety of queer people, ‘Coming Out’ is a powerful, heartfelt and ultimately uplifting documentary for LGBTQ+ audiences and allies alike.


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