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Family Bonds

Family Bonds
Family Bonds

Film Details




7 minutes


Animation, Short Films, Silent


No Dialogue


Hugo is a little fox who lives in a cozy cottage in the countryside with his parents who are both geese. Feeling loved and looked after, one day he heads out towards the forest and sees another fox chasing a butterfly. However, after witnessing a violent act from the fox, Hugo becomes confused about his own identity and the relationship he has with his parents. Despite everything, Hugo will learn that his parents’ love is more important than their difference in appearance in this gentle animated short film.


Cast (in alphabetical order)

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Family Bonds


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Family Bonds


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"It really is a chance for us to open children's minds to the power of film not just as a vehicle for entertainment but also as a way in to understanding their own world and the worlds of people whose lives are very different."

- Marlon Perkins, Teacher, Whitstable and Seasalter Endowed CofE Junior School, Kent