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Lily: A Transgender Story

Lily: A Transgender Story
Lily: A Transgender Story

Film Details




39 minutes


Documentary, Short Films




This observational documentary follows the story of Lily, a transgender teenager who grows up in the rural Welsh town of Aberystwyth. Filmed over five years, we discover the close bond she has with her parents – helping her dad with the weekly shop – as well as the adjustments they both have to make in supporting their child. Rather than following her father’s farming footsteps, Lily decides to move to the city of Birmingham where she finds a boyfriend who supports her through the next part of her journey, her impending surgery. ‘Lily: A Transgender Story’ is a positive portrayal of the trans experience and offers an optimistic role model for LGBTQ+ viewers.


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Lily: A Transgender Story


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Lily: A Transgender Story


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"It really is a chance for us to open children's minds to the power of film not just as a vehicle for entertainment but also as a way in to understanding their own world and the worlds of people whose lives are very different."

- Marlon Perkins, Teacher, Whitstable and Seasalter Endowed CofE Junior School, Kent