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98 minutes
Coming of Age
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16-year-old Tara, Skye, and Em head to Malia for a summer holiday set to comprise of drinking, clubbing, and sex. The latter is particularly on the mind of Tara, who is yet to lose her virginity and thinks this might be the opportunity to do so, despite also having reservations. Once checked into their hotel, they quickly strike up a conversation with the lads on the balcony opposite and decide to have pre-drinks together before hitting the strip. While there appears to be natural chemistry between Tara and the boy nicknamed Badger, matters become complicated with the presence of Badger’s best mate Paddy, as well as Skye, who appears to want Badger for herself. After a night of heavy partying followed by the inevitable hangovers, the gang start to worry when they discover that Tara hasn’t returned to their hotel. How to Have Sex is a bold and unflinching directorial debut which interrogates themes such as coercion, consent, and gender-based violence.
Sexual violence, strong language, sex, sex references, drug misuse.
Find out more on the BBFC website
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A teenage girl is pleased when an older boy shows an interest in her, but soon becomes uneasy about where things are heading.
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A 30-year-old woman is determined to inflict revenge on her former medical school classmates after a traumatic incident in their past.
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24 hours in the life of teenager Elsie from the perspective of her smart phone as she discovers the dangers of social media.
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Five orphaned sisters are imprisoned by their family to guard their virtue in preparation to marry them off.
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