Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
74 minutes
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After Cinderella's mother dies, her father remarries a spiteful woman with two equally appalling daughters. Soon her father also dies and Cinderella is turned into a slave in her own home. One night across town, the Prince hosts a fancy dress ball in a bid to find a wife. Despite the best efforts of her friends the mice, Cinderella seems to have no hope of going - until her Fairy Godmother appears with a pumpkin coach, glass slippers and dress. She can go to the ball, the Fairy Godmother tells her - but only if she returns by midnight! Cinderella is a timeless fairy tale, superbly animated by Disney.
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A very modern fairy tale about a cartoon princess who enters the real world and doesn’t quite fit in.
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An elderly man reads his grandson an exciting fairy tale about a princess living in a fictional kingdom and the many mysterious figures on her trail.
Classic Disney animation in which Princess Aurora is cursed to fall asleep forever unless she's saved by a kiss from her true love.
Inventive and magical French version of the Beauty and The Beast fairy tale, with effects that must be seen to be believed.
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