Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
65 minutes
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All trace of reason and logic are joyfully cast aside in this wild comedy starring the much-loved 30s comics the Marx Brothers. The story begins when the totally unqualified Rufus T Firefly becomes dictator of the shambolic country of Freedonia, and is soon involved in a senseless war with next-door Sylvania - but the plot is barely relevant in a film this hilarious, where all that really matters is the constant barrage of madcap jokes that stars Groucho, Harpo and Chico joyfully deliver!
Often regarded as Laurel and Hardy's best film, here the hapless pair sneak away from their wives for an annual get-together with pals.
Classic comedy from the legendary Marx brothers in which a new college head is desperate to win a sports match against a rival school.
Captain Spaulding's prized painting disappears, and it's up to the peerless Marx Brothers to retrieve it. Classic slapstick comedy.
Considered as the Marx Brothers at their best - this outing sees Groucho attempt to bring Milan's finest opera stars to New York.
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