Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
116 minutes
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American newsreader Howard Beale has had enough - after being sacked for being too old and drinking too much, he flips in his final live broadcast. But quick to spot a good story, the TV network decide to re-hire the clearly disturbed Beale, now a 'mad prophet' celebrity. Beale's 1970s tale satirises TV companies' ruthlessness and obsession with ratings, to the point where even Beale's TV producer lover Diana has a one minute sexual attention span - and it rings truer now than ever.
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Jim Carrey stars in this fascinating, existential satire about a man who discovers his whole life is a reality TV show.
When a publishing tycoon dies, news reporters are desperate to discover the meaning of his final utterance.
Bizarre but brilliant existential tale of a hypochondriac playwright whose art begins to imitate life on a very grand scale indeed.
The world of the 1970s newsreader is turned upside down as a female journalist applies for co-anchor role in this Irreverent slapstick comedy.
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