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Bride & Prejudice

Bride & Prejudice
Bride & Prejudice

Film Details




107 minutes


Bollywood, Comedy, Musicals


English / Hindi / Punjabi


Have you ever imagined what you might get if you crossed Jane Austen's England with the colour, music and energy of India? This modern Bollywood-style updating of Pride & Prejudice does just that - retelling the story of a mother's hilarious attempts to marry off her five spirited and slightly stubborn daughters. Starring the highly acclaimed Indian actress Aishwarya Rai, the film combines the drama and intrigue of the daughters' blossoming romances with lavish musical numbers, putting a hugely enjoyable spin on a classic British love story.

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Bride & Prejudice


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12 Classification

This film has one use of moderate bad language

Find out more on the BBFC website

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Bride & Prejudice


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"We are currently screening The Wizard of Oz, profound film that it is, and the last film Wall-E. It's been rewarding observing the KS1 6 year olds run the gamut of emotions from wonder to sadness to joy. "

- Mark Ellis, Teacher, ChristChurch C of E Primary School, London