Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
88 minutes
Comedy, Musicals
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In early 1960s Baltimore, Tracy Turnblad is not letting the fact that she's "pleasantly plump" stop her from having fun - and, most of all, from dancing. She does, however, care about the rights of other people and makes a brave stand in favour of racial integration on the local TV pop show. Director John Waters, previously known for some truly outrageous films, made a cheerful near-mainstream comedy here, but with lots of touches that are all his own.
discrimination, moderate bad language, drug references
Find out more on the BBFC website
Cult classic musical comedy in which a moody tough guy falls for a clean-cut girl, setting the Drapes subculture against the Squares.
Every essential blues and soul musician takes a turn to help Jake and Elwood save their former orphanage, in this hilarious deadpan comedy.
1950s California is the setting for this joyous high school musical which follows a dizzy teen romance.
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