Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
93 minutes
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On a train going across Europe just before the start of World War II, a nice old lady disappears. Or does she? Because on closer investigation, it seems that only one passenger is convinced that she was even on the train to start with. Director Alfred Hitchcock's last British film before he left for Hollywood effortlessly balances comedy and thrills as some of the passengers turn out to be more sinister than they seemed - and others take a long time to be dragged out of their complacency.
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Regarded as one of the finest films by suspense master Alfred Hitchcock, this classic chase movie sees a suave executive mistaken for a spy.
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A novelist travels to post-World War II Vienna to visit a close friend, only to discover that he has recently died in suspicious circumstances.
Three hours into a transatlantic flight, Kyle suddenly loses her young daughter, but the flight crew don't believe the daughter ever even existed.
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