Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
104 minutes
Drama, Sport
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This film is an example of the kind of social-realist dramas - also known as kitchen-sink dramas - that found popularity in the late 1950s and 1960s. The genre often dealt with gritty issues affecting Britain at the time and this is no exception. The film follows a young, working-class man who has been sent to a borstal, where he is awarded certain privileges thanks to his talent for cross-country running. As he prepares for an important race against a local public school, he must decide whom he is really running for - himself or the ambitious borstal governor.
Dark, unique portrait of Glasgow in the 1970s, about a boy who blames himself after his friend drowns in a canal.
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An anthem for troubled loners everywhere, this is the deeply moving tale of a cheeky yet vulnerable French schoolboy.
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Enchanting film from famed British social realist director Ken Loach, about a young lad with an unhappy life, who befriends and tames a kestrel hawk.
A memorable drama that involves a pregnant teenage girl who shares a flat with an openly gay man.
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