Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
169 minutes
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One of the greatest of all musicals, Esther Blodgett is a young dancer, singer and actress hoping to hit the big time. She's befriended by Norman Maine, a once successful actor whose career is on the skids due to his alcoholism. The pair fall in love, but as Esther (who renames herself Vicki Lester) continues to climb the showbiz ladder, Norman falls further behind. This is a powerful, human story about success and failure, and the heartlessness of the Hollywood system.
Contains infrequent mild language, violence and alcoholism theme.
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Widely considered the best musical ever made, this tribute to Hollywood is about an actress who can't sing trying to move into sound films.
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One of early cinema's most beloved films sees a young girl called Dorothy, and her dog Toto, whisked away from Kansas to a fantastical land called Oz.
The iconic backstage musical, 42nd Street traces the trials and tribulations of getting a Broadway show ready for opening night.
Judy Garland stars in this charming musical drama that's also a sharp portrait of family life.
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