Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
104 minutes
Based on a true story, Comedy, Drama
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This energetic satire follows a series of African-American students, including socially awkward gay nerd Lionel and campus firebrand Samantha, at a privileged, predominantly white college campus. After controversy breaks out following a racist party involving some of the most powerful students on site, the film rewinds to show the events that led to such a disturbing incident and their consequences. Loosely based on a notorious set of parties that recently took place on some American college campuses, the film is stacked with references to contemporary racial politics, gender, economic privilege and homophobia. Although the serious issues are never allowed to overwhelm the humour, the film retains an anger guaranteed to provoke debate.
This powerful Spike Lee satire sees a black writer, tired of the TV station he works at, plan to make a show so culturally insensitive he'll be fired.
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Powerful drama focusing on Martin Luther King’s campaign to secure voting rights for black Americans.
Powerful drama based on a shocking real life story that provoked debate and protest in America.
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