Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
113 minutes
Drama, Sport
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Despite having been pulled from foster homes and given a privileged upbringing by his father’s wife Mary Anne, Adonis Johnson retains a desire to fight that is seemingly in his blood. Having seen firsthand the damage that boxing can do, Mary Anne is keen to protect Adonis from following in the footsteps of his father, Apollo Creed. Undeterred by her concern, Adonis quits his corporate job to pursue boxing professionally and heads to Philadelphia to seek his father’s friend and former rival, Rocky Balboa. While naturally talented in the ring, Adonis’ pride and quick temper are potential setbacks. Will his wish to succeed on his own merits without making use of his father’s name stand in the way of his success?
Violence and injury detail, infrequent strong language.
Find out more on the BBFC website
Tough, emotionally powerful film about a down-on-his luck boxer who gets an unexpected chance at becoming a pro fighter.
Fascinating documentary about the famous "Rumble in the Jungle" boxing match in Zaire, which also sheds light on Muhammad Ali's enduring appeal.
Powerful drama based on a shocking real life story that provoked debate and protest in America.
Harrowing drama about a waitress becoming a boxer to fight her way out of poverty and forging a close relationship with her gruff trainer.
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