Into Film Clubs
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143 minutes
French (English subtitles)
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In the early 1990s, the Paris branch of activist organisation ACT-UP regularly meet to decide upon and plan protests which will cause maximum disruption, as well as campaigns which will capture the most media attention. Newcomer Nathan throws himself into some of the most hardcore activities, risking arrest, and soon develops a romantic relationship with HIV-positive Sean, one of the organisation’s most outspoken members. Tensions escalate within the group at their sessions due to conflicts between various members and the differences they express in how best to tackle the AIDS epidemic facing them. ‘120 BPM (Beats Per Minute)’ is a riveting examination of activism, debate and democracy, asking difficult questions of its lively protagonists who reflect the urgency and energy of the crisis itself in this modern classic of queer cinema.
Director Laurent Cantet's riveting, Palme d'Or winning drama chronicles a year in the life of a rough school in a working class suburb of Paris.
Sean Penn won an Oscar for this inspiring portrayal of gay rights campaigner, Harvey Milk.
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Uplifting comedy about an unlikely moment in recent British history when, in 1984, gay rights activists offered to support the striking miners.
The story of how the people of Chile attempted to oust dictator General Pinochet from power in the late 1980s.
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