

Film Details




82 minutes


Drama, Romance


English / Swahili (English subtitles)


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Kena and Ziki, two college students awaiting their exam results, don’t want to fall into the traditions assigned to women in their conservative community, and cannot wait to explore the world and pursue their chosen careers. Although both their fathers are competing against one another in Nairobi’s local elections the two are drawn to each other and quickly fall in love. However, with homosexuality being illegal in Kenya and the two young women fearing rejection from the families, they face the struggle of choosing between safety and their relationship. Set against a wonderful backdrop of colourful settings and costumes, with a complex and empathetic script, this is a vital story that deals with a wide variety of themes such as growing up, community and LGBTQ+ representation.

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12 Classification

moderate violence, infrequent strong language, discriminatory behaviour

Find out more on the BBFC website

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