Into Film Clubs
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90 minutes
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In 1984, two things happened which would change the course of history: the Chicago Bulls drafted Michael Jordan, and a few months later Nike released the first edition of the Air Jordan, the basketball star’s coveted designer sneakers. With those involved hoping for $3m worth of sales after three years, the must-have fashion phenomenon would go on to make $126m in the first year alone, launching Nike as a major player in the market. This documentary explores the context around this event – from the downbeat Reagan-led policies of the 1980s through to Black Americans finding hope in a new idol – through contributions from those who were closest to it, including the man who initially scouted Michael Jordan, his former agent, the NBA commissioner during the period and Jordan’s biographer. ‘One Man and His Shoes’ is an engaging, accessible and fast-paced documentary which tackles consumer capitalism and celebrity culture, including the darker side of the issue.
Acclaimed documentary about two teenagers from Chicago pursuing their goal of becoming professional basketball players.
Gripping film about basketball, families, crime and guilt from American director Spike Lee.
Documentary exploring the history of capitalism and how it affects the political and social climate today.
An immersive documentary covering the period when one of football’s iconic players, Diego Maradona, played in Napoli.
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