Into Film Clubs
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124 minutes
Based on a true story, Period and Historical, War
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Based on years of dedicated historical research, this World War Two-set film focuses on the important women who were recruited by Winston Churchill as he formed a new spy agency – the Special Operations Executive (SEO). Known as “the spymistress”, Vera Atkins seeks out two unusual but dedicated candidates for the mission to undermine and destroy the Nazi regime; Virginia is an American who, despite her wooden leg, is entirely focused on helping win the war by any means possible and Noor is a Indian Muslim pacifist seeking peace throughout the world. Together, the three of them will significantly impact the outcome of history. Led by a primary creative crew of women, this is a film which aims to rediscover a portion of history that has been neutered over time and celebrate those who deserve undue credit for putting themselves in danger for the greater good.
moderate violence, threat, disturbing images, language
Find out more on the BBFC website
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A powerful depiction of the rise of the Suffragist movement and some of the British women involved.
A lawyer negotiates the release of an American spy plane pilot in exchange for a Soviet agent being held in the United States during the Cold War.
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Benedict Cumberbatch stars as pioneering mathematician and codebreaker Alan Turing, who was highly influential, but persecuted for being gay.
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During World War Two, a young woman discovers she has an inspiring way with words when she is taken on as a scriptwriter for propaganda films.
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